Monday, July 21, 2014

It's time to P-A-R-T....Y, Because I gotta.

So, the title of this post isn't near as funny as hearing my cousin, Gabe, mock Jim Carey in The Mask. So re-read the title and pretend like you are the Mask!

I LOVE to have a good party! So today I wanted to share a few of my past parties, showers, and events.

I love to make a party personal. I am a sentimental person, I love to make things memorable to people. Let's look at my Pop's 50th birthday party. There is nothing my dad loves more than being a Pop and CANDY! So there was no better theme than a POP theme. These were simple to make...popcorn box (super cheap on Amazon) candy, and dollar store styrofoam. Put the styrofoam in the popcorn box and stick the candy in there. Seriously, this took less than two minutes to make. The guest LOVED them! Edible centerpieces!

I let the boys help paint posters to hang around..they doubled as birthday cards!

One of my favorite parties was Bryson's third birthday...ELMO style. I personally really don't like Elmo...he is annoying...BUT he makes for a cute party. My mom and I made the cupcakes, and cookies. The small cake came from my friends Tammy and Mallory, they have a great cake business here and have made several cakes for me over the years.

The cookies are left over Oreo cookies (from the cupcakes below this) with these on them. I also got the Elmo cupcake toppers on Amazon. They were just simple little rings.

My favorite part about this party was the Elmo cup mom made red icing and covered the cup cakes. Bryson and I used Oreo cookies, skittles, marshmallows, and tiny chocolate chips to decorate them. I am pretty sure Bryson ate more of the decorations than he applied to the cupcakes. These were SIMPLE and super fun!

For Chubby's first birthday we did red, white, and blue themed. This wasn't too it really wasn't my favorite. There isn't much to brag about here, I really should have put my thinking cap on big time and made this better. So this is what I would consider one of my failures...enjoy...LOL

Recently, I wanted to have my friends over and have GIRLS NIGHT, but I wanted to have fun party favors. I spend so much time making fun things for my boys class parties and birthday parties that I wanted something fun for my friends. Dollar store wine glasses, vinyl decals, and a pack of wine stoppers made excellent favors!

I also made pedicure buckets. They each had a towel, head band, face mask, lotion, nail polish, their cups, and a manicure/pedicure set. Needless to say...we had a wonderful time!

Another fun event was my nephew, Cainan's shower. My sister in law isn't a big fan of blue, and puppies so I had to be creative. We made cute skull cupcakes and used mostly black for decoration. It was homemade and super cute! The skull cupcakes are just miniature Oreo cookies, tic tacs, and chocolate chips.

I found these adorable ice cream bowls on Oriental Trading for super cheap. I used small zip lock bags and filled them with different sundae toppings. Shipped them off to school with a few gallons of ice cream, some chocolate syrup, and they had a sundae party! It was super cheap, easy, and the kids LOVED it!

These are super easy cup cakes. The trees are just cake pop sticks with cotton candy on them. The lorax cup cakes are just icing and candy eyes. The boys decorated these with my mom and grandmother and had a blast! Again...I am sure Bryson ate half of the toppings. If you want to get real fancy they sell a mustache candy you can make a yellow chocolate mustache.

This is Houston's baby shower photo. The flowers are coffee filters. These are super easy to make. You can find the tutorial here. I have actually made these for numerous events. Tomorrow I may blog on exactly how to do this and tissue roses. These are a cheap way to create fun center pieces.

I make treat bag covers for most any event for the boys. These were some that I made for Bryson's birthday this year. He chose his command!

I may go into detail on each party and the budget break down in another post. I just wanted to share a quick snap shot of how homemade, cheap parties can be fun! You don't have to go broke trying to plan a pintrest style event! 

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